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How to train a cat to use the litter box.

Green pet care
How to train a cat to use the litter box.

If your cat’s ignoring the litter box and leaving puddles or “presents” everywhere, it could be a behavioral issue. Maybe your cat thinks the litter box isn’t clean enough. Maybe your cat thinks the litter box is located in a bad place. Or maybe your cat thinks the litter box’s color clashes with its fur. Whatever the reason, you can encourage your cat to use the litter box with these simple tips:

  • Place the litter box in a quiet, private location that's easy to get to.

  • Try not to move the box location too much.

  • Use a clumping litter so that waste can be easily scooped and removed.

  • Keep the box clean by scooping the litter often.

  • Make sure there's an adequate number of cat boxes available—get more than one box if you have more than one cat.

  • Make sure your box is big enough for the cat to turn around in comfortably.

  • Check the level of cat litter; cats typically prefer a good 3-4 inches of litter.

  • If you're using a scented litter, try switching to an unscented variety.


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