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MD mealworm popular in Europe

MD mealworm popular in Europe
MD mealworm popular in Europe
MD mealworm popular in Europe
Mealworms are the larval stage of the mealworm beetle,Tenebrio Molitor, a species of darking beetle. A darkling beetle has four distinct stages of life. They are an egg,larva,pupa and adult. Our mealworms consume fresh ,non-GMO oats,whole wheat bran,or grain,with sliced potato,carrots or apple pieces as a water source.

MD mealworm popular in Europe

Bird Food Microwave Dried Mealworms Manufacturer in China

Our mealworms are 100% natural, organic fed and clean. Our production team ensures that all of these worms are carefully raised and dried with quality and care. These worms are packed with the essential nutrients chickens need to produce more and healthy eggs.


Bird Food Microwave Dried Mealworms -High Nutrition  Food for Your Lovely Pets

As dried mealworms are 100% natural the exact analysis of each batch can vary. This can be due to the difference in the age of the mealworms when dried (how close to the pupae stage the mealworm is at), the size of the mealworm or the type of drying process used. A typical analysis of dried mealworms is:  Protein 53%, Fat 28%, Fibre 6%, Moisture 5% Protein.

Mealworms are fed on a natural diet of grain, cereals and vegetables. All this goodness helps to make mealworms a healthy and tasty treat for your animal friends. You will be amazed just how much they will enjoy Dried Mealworms!


Bird Food Microwave Dried Mealworms-Absolute Fresh 

Our Professional Teams do a good jobs on minimize the time from the live mealworm-Dried-Packaging until delivery to your hand.So your animals could eat the delicious and fresh mealworm that with the roasting smell.They are all scrambling to peck the favorite food and chasing with each other . Such delicious Mealworm make them eating feel and a healthy body.

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